The World We Live In

Building your confidence for a better life – by Emma Brown

Post by Emma Brown Building your confidence is one of the most important things you can do to enhance your life. Confidence will help you set and reach your goals, act on your own behalf, and create a good life with meaning, purpose, and joy. It’s all about appreciating and trusting yourself to meet the […]

Entertainment Fashion The World We Live In

Social media made me more confident

I’m really tired of hearing ‘social media is bad’, ‘social media only shows people’s fake lives’, ‘social media is a waste of time’. Social media is essential these days. If anything, social media has made me the person I am today. It’s up to you if social media is affecting your mental health negatively or […]

The World We Live In

Having an “identity crisis” in high school

I hear this all the time on social media that people had a time when they faced an “identity crisis”. There are a number of TikToks with individuals explaining how they didn’t know whether to dress emo, girly, trendy, etc. back in high school and that they discovered their true selves after starting college. I […]

The World We Live In

How fearless are you? (checklist)

Count how many of these apply to you: o You can play loud music in the car with the windows down o You’re honest with a waiter when he asks “how’s your food?”, and will tell them if it’s too salty or if something seems off o You don’t care if it gets awkward if […]