Fashion The World We Live In

You don’t have to follow trends

Every century brings unique fashion, unique culture, unique mindsets, more politics.

The 19th century was all a-line dresses, a life expectancy of 48, lack of hygiene, high poverty, no technology and very little education.

The 20th century brought in many new changes to fashion, to education, it abolished slavery and there were also two world wars.

We are now in the 21st century and comparing now with the past, we have never been more blessed. People still struggle, there’s still a lot of racism, sexism, oppression in certain parts of the world, and setting all of this aside, we are able to and have the time to look at the small things in life and have them influence us, such as social media and trends. This bit alone proves how much life has changed.

If we were to look at our current trends and societal norms, it can be fun. We all want to jump onto the latest fashion fad or newest dance on social media, and we feel cool about it.

But, are big lips the prettiest kind of lips? I have never met anyone like me who thinks thin lips are sexier – on women.

The curvy body with a big chest and big behind, does it have to be the body standard? I prefer to be slender than too curvy.

We like how we look when we take selfies in the right angle and film tiktoks following the latest trends, but do we have to present ourselves on the same wavelength as everyone else?

Do we have to agree with the major opinions of social media even when we lowkey doubt some things? No.

I believe it’s important to stick to your own opinions, style and taste. You can like some trends, and it’s ok to voice your opinion on others.

I don’t know anyone today who shares this same opinion as me, but I used to love low-rise jeans from the 90’s and early 2000’s and I still prefer them over high-waisted jeans! My idea on what style looks the best didn’t change just because the majority of the world’s opinion changed (I only own a few pairs of high-waisted, because I feel like my upper-body looks too short in front of what people are hyped about – the illusion of long, skinny legs).

If you look at life from a much wider point of view, you’ll see that you are a flower in a field; you don’t have to be pink just because the rest of the flowers are. Variation is still beautiful, and there’s no reason to fear being “different” or fear not having been planted as the same seed as the rest. Also, using the term “different” seems extreme. How about saying it like this – there’s no reason to fear not being typical.

If you are different in a certain way than most people, don’t try to find a category that you fit into. You can make your own unique category. Our century allows this kind of freedom, a freedom of self-expression, self-love and openness.

Is there something you’re into that defies the current trends?

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