The World We Live In

You’re more valuable than you think

This post is for those who love to be analytical and meticulous in everything that they do for the sake of bettering themselves and their lives. This is how I view life, and I think you should too if you don’t already!

Why should we wait until marriage to do the deed? Why should we get married? Why do parents teach their children to speak politely and not use foul language if they know that they’ll start cussing when they’re adults anyways? Why is drinking a sin in many religions? Why is it wrong to go out in public in the nude?

You might think because of morals and modesty. But, what does that even mean? Why should we be modest? Why should we actually look into the decisions that we make before we make them when this generation is pushing us to do whatever the hell we want in this world?

Are you ready for my answer? I’ll explain using metaphors.

Animals. What differentiates us between animals aside from being smarter? Well, animals eat whatever smells acceptable to them, they sleep around and impregnate each other and have no real point on this earth except to be part of the food pyramid (and sometimes be pets hehe). If you look at the average person’s life, it’s sad to say that they are no different than animals. People aren’t able to control what they eat because it tastes too good, people sleep around while “dating” or even have “one-night-stands” with people who have no legitimate relationship with them by religion or law, and if they don’t have serious beliefs about why they exist and what their purpose is, then their life is pointless like an animal’s.

Sounds harsh, but it’s true!

Looking at things from a different point of view, after discovering what the perfect human diet is to be healthy and live the longest, it should also prove that this earth was created and catered for us humans. There are plants, animals and water for us to consume, because based on science, we need 5 essential nutrients, and they are all found on this earth. This earth is ours, and we shouldn’t live aimlessly like 17th century French royals.

Bare with me because I’m getting somewhere…

From the littlest to the biggest things that you do, I personally believe that it will all be counted after we die. I won’t talk about religion, but I know that even the homeless guy on that one intersection is going to be judged on his actions (but, of course, he will be judged based on his own situations). Because, we all matter.

Even if the days run by because you’re working/studying most of your time, you don’t have time to focus on other things, your hormones dictate your emotions and you don’t feel anything towards this topic, it doesn’t mean you don’t have value on this earth. They say one person conserving water or recycling will ultimately make a difference. Your existence is valuable (and, I don’t mean as a person who recycles, but generally in this life).

If you think about how the human body works, it’s jaw-dropping. The heart, the brain, the vessels, the organs, the even smaller things inside. It’s all so crazy, and what’s crazier is us figuring out what’s inside of us and how we function.

There is so much to this life, and you have so much meaning. If you make a serious decision about something that may be life-altering, it doesn’t make it extreme. It might be because you value yourself more and want the best for yourself, and you should!

What is one thing that you think is miraculous in this world?

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